At my last doctors appointment last Wendesday he decided to go ahead and induce me a week early! I was thirlled because I feel ready to be done with pregnancy, and I've been horribly uncomfortable. The cute little flutters that were so much fun to feel have turned into jabs and jams from knees and elbows, my bladder barely holds an ounce of liquid anymore, and sleep has become near impossible. I'm ready to give her an eviction notice! He checked his schedule and we decided to induce on Tuedsay October 6th. Now that I know for sure her arrivial is 8 days away, I find myself in this crazy frenzy to make everything perfect. Last week I stripped all the sheets and pads off her crib and got them washed. I put all the 0-3 month clothes in her dresser and the rest I organized in three rubbermaid pink bins that I stacked in her closet. So now I have all of her clothes organized by sizes 6-9 months, 10-12 months, and 12-18 months. I combined the 12-18 month stuff because I have less of it. Let me tell you between this baby girl's Grandma's she is going to be a very well dressed child! I think clothes is an expense Raynor and I won't be worrying about too much. This week I have organized my days by things I need to get done on which day. I will share:
Monday- Finish folding and putting away her clothes and blankets that I just washed. Organize her bathroom and find spots for everything like towels, washcloths, soap, medicine first aid kit, ect. I also need to find spots for things like extra crib sheets. Thank goodness she has a walk in closet!
Tuesday- Catch up on our laundry. I would like the have all the hampers empty when we come home because they will fill up again soon enough. Raynor also needs to finish putting the bouncer together. I got it maybe 1/4 of the way there, but I am terrible at putting things together. Even with instructions, stupid me doesn't understand them half the time!
Wendesday- Scour the bathrooms so they are squeaky clean. I'm only doing toilets, sinks and showers though floors will be Friday or Saturday! I also need to remind Raynor to install all the safety latches and stuff. Although she won't be very mobile for a while, it will be nice to know they are already installed.
Thursday- Put the clean sheets on her crib, the pad on the changing table, and hang the letters above her crib that I painted. I will need to go to Michaels Craft store to find something to hang them with. I also have a few things that I need to take to Goodwill. The coat closet is driving me crazy. I'm going to Target to buy some storage things to go in there.
Friday/Saturday- Make sure we have everything we need for the hospital, double check our bags and the diaper bag. Raynor also will be installing the carseat sometime this weekend. Mop all the floors so they are clean, I know she won't care but we will probably be having company coming over to see the baby for a while and I like to have a clean house when people come over. Also the kitchen cupboards are driving my crazy. The tops of them are covered with cluttery things which I need to find a home for. I have cute little docorations to put up there, I just haven't got around to it yet. Also vacume, but I do that pretty much every day anyhow because of pet hair. Saturday night Raynor and I are going out for a nice dinner together, maybe a movie we'll see. Sitting for a long period of time isn't very comfortable for me right now. But we thought it would be nice to slurge on one last date night, since we probably won't be leaving her with a sitter for a while.
Sunday- I'm hoping we can just relax (more that I can relax, Raynor is doing great) and just enjoy eachother's company. Raynor might go fish for a little bit that day, which is totally fine with me. After that we will probably head over to my parent's house for dinner.
Monday- Run the vacume and make sure that all the dishes are done, and laundry is put away. Also I think I will wash our sheets. It would be nice to come home to clean sheets. Put any final touches on her room, make sure we have everything ready like diapers, wipes, blankets, bottles, extra changes of clothes ready for when we get home. Also, packing Ozzy his little bag with as Raynor's mom was nice enough to take care of him for us while we will be gone. We'll be taking him over there when we Raynor gets home from work.
Raynor and I are going to Babies R Us tonight to get the last few things we need. If anyone has any suggestions on anything that is a "must have" for when you get home let me know! I know it sounds like enough to keep me busy, but I still think its going to be the longest week of my life. I'm so excited, but I'm also really nervous. I've never really been a patient in a hospital before. But I really trust my doctor, and I know women have been doing this since there have been women. If they all got through it then I most certainly will too.
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