Monday, October 5, 2009

The final hours...

So this is it. In less than 24 hours I will be at the hospital getting induced. Of course this is contingant on there being room at the hospital for us, otherwise we will get bumped and rescheduled. But thats not going to happen!
It is a total shock to me how fast this whole thing has gone. It seems like just a few months ago was when we found out the news. I will never forget that day. I only wish it would have been a happier day. I sat in the bathroom crying in disbelief before I finally went and told Raynor. We both sat there in shock crying. Our families were more than encouraging. I think my dad gave me the best advice of anyone. He gave me a hug and said, "God doesn't make mistakes when it comes to babies." I knew he was right. Over the next few weeks our flat out fear turned into excitement. Not that we aren't still scared, I think every parent to be is scared. But we know everything will be ok.
I will never forget the last 8 months. We have had so much fun. The same day we found out what we were having, we went to Babies R Us and registered. I have enjoyed all of the doctors appointments (is it weird that I think I might miss those?), had two amazing baby showers, put together an adorable nursery, and baby proofed our house. Now its time to meet her. Our doctor gave us the option to have a 3D ultrasound, but we decided not too. I wanted to wait until we hold her to actually see what she looks like. Everyone has been taking guesses on how much she will weigh and who she will look like. My family and Raynor's family have been calling every day for the last month or so to check on us. They are sooo excited to meet the new addition. I just hope my mom can keep herself away from the hospital tomorrow haha. Raynor and I decided it was best for us to have only the two of us at the hospital while I am in labor and up until after we have her. We didn't want to hurt feelings, but I am already terrified of this and really anxious about it and for me adding more people to the situation makes it worse. But we promised we would call when she was born and the grandparents can come up and see her first.
Staying busy today and not stressing is going to be tough. I think I'm going to treat myself to a pedicure, I need to get a few things at Target, and I need to pay some bills. I have some laundry to do at home, and I'm going to run the vacume. This evening we are taking Ozzy over to Raynor's mom's house. She was nice enough to care for him while we are gone. Anyways, wish us luck and we will be in touch with everyone when our little bundle is here!

1 comment:

  1. I cried a lot right before I went into to have Kaylee, its normal. It means you are human and your alive. When you stop and think about it we has women have prepared our whole lives for this chance to be mommies, and Erin your going to do great. She is a very lucky little girl with 2 wonderful parents and a very loving family! Even if you make a small mistake its okay, Josh and I forgot to clean behind Kaylee's ears and I felt like the worst mom in the world until my mom told me things she did wrong. Birth is scary but it is worth it to met that little person who is going to love you imensly. Trust me = )
