Thursday, March 25, 2010

Hugs from complete strangers

This morning after stratigically planning my shopping list while Alexxa was taking her morning nap, we set off the Fred Myer. I just needed to grab a few quick things. So we go to Freddy's and get our stuff, check out. We pack up our stuff and start heading out to the car. I am walking about, oh maybe 15-20 feet behind this guy, probably in his mid to late 20's. He looked pretty average and had two adorable little girls with him. I saw him drop something. I didn't realize until I got a little closer that it was money. So I decide to chase after it because he was almost to his car and with the wind blowing, probably wouldn't have heard me even if I shouted at him. I catch up to the flying money, grab it and now I have to chase after the owner. At this point, I didn't even look at the bill to see what denomination it was, my attention was totally focused on my daughter, shopping cart full of groceries and chasing down this stranger. About the time I start walk over towards him I see him start frantically grabbing at his wallet and checking his pockets. I sort of wave and he looks at me like I am crazy (I'm sure I did look rediculous). I get about 10 feet away from him and wave the money in the air and say, "I saw you drop this!" He starts running over to me and I didn't realize it was a 100 dollar bill until I handed it over to him. For a minute he looked a little puzzled and then flew into this frantic thankful mode and said something along the lines of "Oh my gosh your an angel thank you so much!!!" and then this complete stranger gives me this huge hug. Now, anyone that knows me knows that I am not a toughy-feely-huggy person. I am really not a cuddler, Raynor and I have a king sized bed for a reason...I like my space. But for some reason this complete stranger's hug made me feel good. Let's just say I drove away feeling quite good about myself. However, also on my drive home I felt a little sad.
I think it is sad that in our world today, it is suprising when someone returns money. Obviously I never even considered keeping it, and I can't imagine how anyone could keep money that isn't rightfully theirs. This man that dropped his money was probably like the majority of us, doing the best he can to support his family. If that WERE my hundred dollars it would have been devistating to us to lose it. For all I know that could have been their grocery money for the week, or extra money he had saved to take his wife on a much-anticipated date night. How could anyone not return it?
Anyways, I am glad there are still some honest people in the world and it made me feel good about myself to do the right thing.

1 comment:

  1. It's so important to return stuff like that. I agree it is so sad when people are shocked that there are still honest people out there not thinking about themselves. Good for you, give yourself a pat on the back...and just think about what your teaching your daughter too ;)
