Thursday, June 24, 2010

Raynor has a new job!!!

Well finally! Something we have been hoping would happen for years. Raynor finally has a new job! I can't even begin to express how uplifting this is for us. The poor guy has been trying to make this happen forever, and I am so proud of him for not giving up.
Yesterday, Raynor had an interview with Les Schwab. My dad has worked for Les Schwab for over 3o years and the company has really taken care of him. Raynor has been trying to get in for over a year now, but with the bad economy there hasn't been much avaiblible and even when there is there are just so many other qualified people.
Saturday afternoon the assistant manager of the Orenco store called Raynor and said they wanted to meet with him. So Raynor got a nice outfit together and found someone to watch Alexxa and headed out to the interview yesterday. He was really nervous, and I was feeling for him all day while I was at work. We talked about it together and decided that no matter what the outcome, whats meant to be will have its way and we would be ok with it. Well, today the assistant manager called and offered him a job!! Its a 40 hour position and the benefits the company offers are amazing! He doesn't have to pay for health insurance for himself, or his family. Its all covered by the company! That is amazing! Pretty much unheard of. Not to mention the retirement benefits are amazing and there is plenty of potential to move up. Although advancing in the company could mean at some point we would have to relocate, we will cross that bridge when we get there. This job is what we need for right now.
Finally it feels like we can start moving ahead in life. We will be able to start making progress on our debts, and hopefully someday we will be able to live off one income. For right now though, we are finally taking a step forward and we are in a better position than we were yesterday.