Thursday, February 4, 2010

Career Changes

Its really no secret that I haven't been happy at the bank for quite some time. Its not the people, or really even the job, banking is just clearly not for me. I feel like I have been there long enough now (4 years) to know if it is really for me or not. And clearly...its not!
I've been doing a lot of thinking lately and came to the obvious conclusion that it is time for a career change. Its taken me months of thinking and a lot of weighing back and forth, but I think that being a nurse would be the perfect job for me. I don't faint at the sight of blood, I'm not squeemish, and some of the gross things that nurses have to do, wouldn't really phase me. It also pays very well, not that money is everything, but it certainly helps! I also would be helping people, which is my biggest passion. The hours are also amazing! I would be working 12 hour shifts 3 days a week. And if I wanted to I could work nights, so I would only be away from Alexxa when she is sleeping.
So obviously I need to get back into school, which I am planning on doing this summer. In the meantime though, I feel like I need a change of sceanery. Something that will expose me to the medical world, so I can learn the terminology and also a company that I can grow within. I've applied for several jobs at various different hospitals. Since I have just begun my search, I haven't got any phone calls yet. I really don't expect the right opportunity to come along very soon though, just because I don't have any experience in the medical field and there are so many qualified applicants out there right now. I am really crossing my fingers to work for Legacy. They are such a great company, and they would help me pay for a portion of my nursing school. I can take a lot of the certifications at the hospital actually, and at my favorite price...FREE! I have applied for I 3 or 4 positions there so hopefully something will work out. I'm not even looking to make a lot of money, just to learn.
Right now, I am probably the happiest I have ever been since working at the bank. I have a great team at work, and a manager that truly supports and cares about her employees. Because she has been so fabulous and has supported me in all my personal and career decisions, I decided I didn't want to leave her in the dark about all this. I would have felt really bad if she had gotten a phone call about me applying for jobs elsewhere and got the wrong idea. So last week I decided to sit down and talk to Naomi about it. I wasn't really sure if it was the right decision, but what was the worst thing that could have happened? And she was more than supportive of me! She said she wants all of her employees to be happy and fallow their dreams. And she asked me to keep her in the loop about interviews and things. That made me feel so much better about it!
I am so excited about the possiblilities of this new adventure! Wish me luck!


  1. Naomi is so freakin cool! I love that woman! I'll be praying for you that everything works out the way you want it to and that God will open a door for you soon. Way to go on going back to school. I've never had any desire to do that, but I applaud all those who do, especially those who are mommies because I am sure that isn't easy. Keep us updated cutie!

  2. I know! Naomi is the most amazing manager I have ever had. I will miss her dearly, but I'm excited to see what new opportunities come my way. And thank you so much, your thoughts and prayers mean the world to me. I never had the desire to go back to school until now. I guess I had to find something I was passionate enough about to make it worthwhile. I will keep you guys posted :)
