Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Job Drama

Its safe to say, I am feeling just a little discouraged. I have been wanting so badly to get into the healthcare field. I enjoy helping people. Its what I am good at and passionate about. Some would argue that you help people in the banking world, and I'm not saying that isn't true, but I want to help people on a deeper level than that.
I have applied for maybe 15 entry level healthcare-related jobs. Nothing extremely complicated or anything, basic entry level mostly receptionist-like positions. They don't pay much, but I don't care. All I want is a job that will expose me to the terminology and pace of the field so that I can learn. A company I can move up within is desirable too, but not a must. And I am sad to say I have not even gotten a call for an interview. All I get back are stupid little emails saying thanks for your interest and good luck with your search, but you don't have enough experience to work here.
Well where the heck do these people expect me to get my experience? Somebody would have to hire me first!
I guess maybe I'm a little torked (to say the least) because I have never really applied for a job that I haven't gotten. Not to sound cocky, but I do tend to interview really well and I guess I just say the right things. One of my hidden talents I guess. Candy, the manager that first hired me when I started to work at Bank of America said, that even though I had no banking, or really even any money-related experience at the time that I blew it out of the water with at my interview. She took a chance on me when she hired me. It was a good thing that she did, because I have been pretty successful. Naomi told me last week that I could go far in banking if I wanted too, which was very flattering to hear from someone in her position. However not what I want to do with my life. Being the amazing person she is, she completely supports my decision.
So I guess I hope and pray that someone sitting at their desk in an HR department will come across my resume and decide to AT LEAST give me an interview. If I just had the chance to go in there and tell them how badly I want into the field and that I am so excited get back into school and become a nurse. Maybe even some day a Nurse Practioner. What I need is for someone to take a chance on me the way Candy did. I know I am a hard worker. I know that I wouldn't dissapoint them. And I know I can do this. If I at least got in interview and then still got rejected, at least I would then know I did the best I could.
Anyways, I guess the only thing I can do is keep sending in my resumes. Eventually maybe someone will contact me for an interview.


  1. Just from what I know about the Health Care field, you have to have a college degree for most of it. I have several friends who are nurses and a few more that are receptionist type and they all went to college for it. Now, I don't know if that is true for all health care bottom level jobs, but that is just what I've seen. For the time being, keep applying. The worst that can happen is the emails your already getting, but in the mean time, you do have a job, so that is wonderful. The health care field is incredibly competitive right now but I think if it's something your really want to do...keep trying. I hope it all works out for you :)

  2. Yeah, I've been running into a lot of that. Some won't even consider you if you haven't gone to school, others will take you if you are working towards a degree. A lot of the receptionist-like jobs only require high school diploma, but want medical office experience. So its frustrating. I feel like banking is a rutt that is impossible to get out of. There is nothing wrong with banking if its what you really want to do.
    I'm just going to keep sending resumes and hopefully I'll get a call back. I am planning on starting school this summer though, so hopefully that will help :)
