Friday, September 18, 2009

Yay us!!!

A huge part of Raynor and my financial issues have always come from eating out. The amount of money we have spent on eating out is just unreal. Our ability to cook is not an issue. I love to cook, and I have gotten quite good, if I might say so myself. Raynor is no dumby in the kitchen either, he is equally as good if not better than I am. The problem is time. Time to grocery shop, time to prepare a meal, time to clean the kitchen ect. And I can't say that I really enjoy cooking after I have worked a nine hour day and neither does Raynor. However, with the baby on her way and the possibility of only living on one income after she is here Raynor and I have been trying to brainstorm as many ways as possible to cut costs. We don't have cable television, we have cut down on cell phone minutes, I no longer have internet on my blackberry, and we have eliminated a lot of unnecessary driving. But of course there was the problem of eating out. I know to some it might sound silly, but that was the hardest thing to let go. Last week when I got taken off work by my doctor I decided enough was enough. Since I will be spending most of my time at home, at least for the next three months there is no excuse to be eating out. We went grocery shopping and got plenty of food to last the week for breaksfasts, lunches and dinners. I have started planning out menus for the week, and actually look forward to making dinner now. And I am proud to say we have gone more than a week without a single meal out!!! That is a huge milestone for us. I am so proud!!!

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